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10 things you need to know about TNB electricity bill discounts under the PRIHATIN scheme


This article was updated on 22nd June 2020 for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

The government, together with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) has introduced a discount initiative on electricity bills, Bantuan Prihatin Elektrik (BPE) under the Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi Prihatin Rakyat (PRIHATIN) scheme to help reduce the strain on residential and commercial consumers. The initiative, which was initially introduced beginning April 2020 to September 2020 will continue until December 31 this year! 

© Titipong Sukpaiboonwat/ 123RF

This article was translated from 10 perkara yang anda perlu tahu tentang diskaun bil elektrik TNB di bawah pakej PRIHATIN by Aiman A.Rahim.

The government together with TNB has introduced a discount initiative on electricity bills under the PRIHATIN scheme to help reduce the strain on residential and commercial consumers. Ever since our country was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been numerous efforts by the government to help and reduce the strains facing the nation. In light of that, the government and TNB have introduced a discount initiative on electricity bills through the PRIHATIN Economic Stimulus Package move.

An additional RM 530 million has been allocated to provide tiered discounts of 15% to 50% based on the total monthly electricity consumption with a cap of 600kW per month. If the Prime Minister’s recent announcement has left you baffled about TNB’s discount on electricity bills, here are 10 things you should know about it.

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1. Who is eligible for electricity discount under the Extra Economic Stimulus Package 2020 (PRE 2020) and PRIHATIN?

Consumers from the following categories are eligible for the electricity bill discount:

  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Agriculture
  • Residential

A large majority of Malaysian residential customers relies on electricity supply to go about their daily lives. Thus, the discount proves to be a huge relief as it lowers the cost of living during these challenging times.

2. As a residential consumer, what kind of electricity bill discount am I eligible for?

© Leo Lintang/ 123RF

In his recent announcement, the Prime Minister announced that an additional discount has been given to household consumers under the PRIHATIN package. The discount mainly focuses on consumers with up to 600kWh or RM 231.80 of total monthly electricity consumption. Depending on their usage rate, consumers are given between 15% – 50% discounts on electricity bills beginning April 1 until September 30 this year.

Since the discounts given are based on the total monthly consumption rate, residential customers need to be wary of their electricity usage as the discounts vary for each household. Don’t lose it when your neighbour pays less!

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3. When will the TNB discount take effect?

TNB customers will enjoy discounts on their electricity bills for 6 months, beginning April 1 until September 30, 2020. If the electricity bill you receive in April covers the total usage for March – April 2020, the discount will be prorated based on electricity usage in April.

Still unclear on how the prorated discount works? Worry not as we will go through the details later. Keep in mind if the bill received in April 2020 only covers electricity usage up until 31 March 2020, no discount is applicable for said bill. Therefore, be sure to check the date of the billing cycle to avoid any confusion on the discount.

4. How much discount is given to consumers?

© Andriy Popov/ 123RF

The discount rates given are based on the select business sector, consumer category, and total monthly consumption. Domestic consumers across the country are entitled to up to 50% discount, depending on the usage rate. The discount rates are as follows:

  • 50% discount for electricity bill RM43.60 or less (1kWh – 200kWh)
  • 25% discount for electricity bill RM43.70 – RM 77.00 (201kWh – 300kWh)
  • 15% discount for electricity bill RM77.10 – RM 231.80 (301kWh – 600kWh)
  • 2% discount for electricity bill RM231.90 or more (>600kWh)

Bantuan Prihatin Elektrik (BPE) Tambahan 

Four million or 52.2% of domestic consumers will enjoy the benefits under the Bantuan Prihatin Elektrik Tambahan. This additional aid is in addition to the existing TNB electricity bill discount under the PRIHATIN scheme which has been implemented since April 1.

Domestic consumers with electricity consumption of less than RM77 or less than 300kWh will be entitled to a three-month free electricity supply for April, May, and June. The rebates will be reflected in the July bill.

The additional discount rates are as follows:

  • Three months of free electricity for electricity consumption of less than RM77 or less than 300kWh. 
  • Discounts of up to RM 231 for April, May, and June, for electricity consumption of more than 300kWh per month. The payment will be credited back into the July bill if consumers with a monthly usage of less than 300kWh have paid the bill for those three months.
  • A 10% discount per month for April to September electricity bills. This is for electricity consumption of more than 601 – 900 kWh or electricity bills ranging from RM 232.35 to RM 395.60. Also, this is an additional 8% discount to the existing 2% discount.

LATEST: Residential consumers will continue to enjoy Bantuan Prihatin Elektrik (BPE) discounts until December 31, 2020! 

Residential consumers will continue to enjoy a BPE discount based on their total monthly electric consumption. The discount rates are as follows:

Bantuan Elektrik Prihatin (BPE) *until December 31, 2020
Total consumption Total bill (RM)Discount
1 -200 kWh0.22 – 43.6050%
201 – 300 kWh43.93 – 77.0025%
301 – 600 kWh77.52 –  231.8015%
601 – 900 kWh232.35 – 395.6010%
>900 kWh> 396.172%

Not just that, TNB residential customers (Tarif A- Domestic) will have the option to pay bills in instalments without additional surcharge via the Easy Payment Plan. Late payment surcharge from March 18, 2020, until December 31, 2020, will be waived as well while there will no disconnection of electricity supply unless upon requests from registered users or relevant authorities’ instructions.

5. How are TNB discounts applied?

Your monthly TNB electricity bill is charged based on two factors: billing cycle and total usage (kWh unit). For example, Mak Cik Kiah is a household consumer with a total electricity usage of below 200kWh and is eligible for a 50% discount on her electricity bill. Below is how Mak Cik Kiah’s electricity bill is charged:

  • Billing cycle: 8/3/2020 – 7/4/2020 (30 days)
  • Total usage: 186kWh
  • Daily usage: Total kWh/days
  • 186kWh/30 days = 6kWh per day

Electricity usage for March, 24 days (March 8 – March 31)


© Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)

© Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)

  • Billing cycle: 8/3/2020 – 31/3/2020 (24 days)
  • Tariff for residential: 21.8 sen per kWh
  • Daily usage: 6kWh
  • March bill: 24 days x 6kWh x 21.8 sen = RM 31.39

Keep in mind discounts for TNB electricity bills are only applicable starting April 1, 2020.

The prorated discount for April is as follows:

© Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)

© Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)

  • Billing cycle: 1/4/2020 – 7/4/2020 (7 days)
  • Tariff for residential: 21.8 sen per kWh
  • Before discount: 7 days x 6kWh x 21.8 sen = RM 9.16
  • After discount: 50% x RM9.16 = RM4.58
  • Total amount without discount: RM 31.39 + RM 9.16 = RM 40.55
  • Total amount with discount: RM 31.39 + RM 4.58 = RM 35.97

Discount will be given a full 50% for May until September provided Mak Cik Kiah keeps her electricity usage below 200kWh. Lower discount rates will be applied according to the usage. For October billing, a prorated amount will be charged for 23 days from September 8 – 30 based on the same calculation. Check your bill to see the end date of the billing cycle and the exact prorated calculation for your bill.

Try out PRIHATIIN discount calculator here.

6. Do I need to apply for a discount?

There is no need to file for an application. Discounts will be given automatically to all domestic consumers registered with TNB.

7. How are bills charged during Movement Control Order (MCO)?

With public safety in mind, TNB will not issue any physical bills. Instead, your monthly electricity bill will be estimated based on usage from the previous month. A discount will be given based on the estimation. The adjustment will be made once the actual reading comes into play. You will still be paying an amount similar to what you have been paying every month.

Large Power Consumer (LPC) commercial consumers that use remote meter reading (RMR) and the smart meter will receive their electricity bills with actual readings and applicable discounts. However, estimated billings will be issued if the readings failed to be obtained.

Should consumers continue to receive estimated billings after the MCO, adjustment for discounts will be made as far as December 31, 2020, billing only. If the bills up until December 31, 2020, is still charged as estimation or an E, then the discount given will be considered final and no adjustments will be made once actual bills are obtained.

8. How do I obtain the bill online?

© Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)

Your bills will be issued online every month via myTNB portal and app. You will have the option to either register an account or make a direct payment using your bill account number. Be sure to check your account number before making any payment. You may also download and print your bills for future reference.

9. How do I pay my bill during MCO?

Payment can be made online through myTNB portal and app. Payment made will be deducted from the total amount due.

10. Whom do I contact for more information regarding TNB electricity bill discounts?

You may contact TNB CareLine at 1-300-88-5454 or e-mail them at [email protected]. The Malaysian government cares for the rakyat’s social welfare during these challenging times. There have been numerous efforts and initiatives to aid people from all walks of life.

This discount on TNB electricity bills through the PRIHATIN economic stimulus package deserves to be lauded. Though it may look simple, this initiative has proven to be a major relief for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Hopefully, we can make use of the support given and let us strive together!

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Edited by Rebecca Hani Romeli

Disclaimer: The information is provided for general information only. Malaysia Sdn Bhd makes no representations or warranties in relation to the information, including but not limited to any representation or warranty as to the fitness for any particular purpose of the information to the fullest extent permitted by law. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided in this article is accurate, reliable, and complete as of the time of writing, the information provided in this article should not be relied upon to make any financial, investment, real estate or legal decisions. Additionally, the information should not substitute advice from a trained professional who can take into account your personal facts and circumstances, and we accept no liability if you use the information to form decisions.

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