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How to boost productivity with feng shui


Working or studying from home amid the Covid-19 Outbreak? Identify these 5 Feng Shui insights that can boost productivity and accelerate you towards success!

home office
© Katarzyna Białasiewicz | 123rf

Do you feel more comfortable in spaces with higher ceilings? This is called the Cathedral Effect, which implies that a person’s creativity and quickness at getting inspiration improves when he or she is within areas that have higher ceilings. By contrast, a lower ceiling adversely impacts one’s ability to brainstorm fresh and great ideas.

The Cathedral Effect is proof that the environment we work or study in does have great influence on our overall mental, emotional and physical performance. Following this logic, you’d ideally want to go about your important tasks within environments that are conducive for those efforts.

Thankfully, Feng Shui knowledge can be relied on to select the ideal locations within your home that can function as a work or study space that’s perfectly catered to your needs.

Here are 4 great locations, based on your Personal Gua studied in both BaZi and Feng Shui, that would make for ideal personal study rooms. To find out what is your Personal Gua, you’ll need to head to:  to plot your BaZi chart based on your date and time of birth.

From there, on the left column, it will state the favourable directions that you can utilise.

Favourable DirectionDirection
Sheng Qi (Life Generating)East
Tian Yi (Heavenly Doctor)South East
Yan Nian (Longevity)North
Fu Wei (Stability)South

Work Space in Sheng Qi

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If you value an upswing in status, wealth and power, set your work space within the sector of your house that has the Sheng Qi Star. The Sheng Qi Star promotes career progression as well as the improvement of your business (if you own one). The energies of this sector also facilitate good performance and will likely make you recognize opportunities for further professional progression. Its active energies can fuel one’s drive and inspiration to continue putting in good work. This sector is an ideal location for your Main Door!

Work Space in Tian Yi

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The Tian Yi Star pertains to Noblemen. Noblemen are people willing to assist you in your time of need. Using this sector for work allows you to activate positive energies that will improve your communication with others, attracting more Noblemen to aid you in your personal goals. This sector also helps you gain recognition from your superiors or others in authoritative positions at work. Ensure your hard work gets the credit it’s due by working at the Tian Yi Star sector of your home.

Work Space in Yan Nian

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For those who work in teams, constant communication and establishing a strong network of people will likely favour those who work at the Yan Nian sector. Activating its positive energies by working in this location will likely improve your professional relationships. Those involved in the field of marketing and public relations will see the benefit of placing their work space here.

Study Space in Fu Wei

study room
© Katarzyna Białasiewicz | 123rf

This is the perfect place for students! With the Fu Wei Star present, this sector becomes the most conducive area for academia and learning activities. Studying here restores one’s peace of mind while boosting cognitive and thinking skills. This helps to counteract the mental fatigue that commonly transpires as a result of intense study. Set up your study room in this area if you are looking to pass exams, improve your grades, understand a new subject or to improve your general knowledge.

All the aforementioned locations make great study rooms too. Choosing one is a rather simple affair – just figure out what your priorities are in the context of work or study, then make sure the energies of a given sector align with your goals. Good luck!

For more information on Feng Shui and Chinese Metaphysics, add me on Telegram today @!

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