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5 house painting tips that will completely transform your home


Our columnist, Choo Mei Sze shares how you can easily upgrade the look of any space in your house armed with just a roller, the right paint colours and good techniques. 

Wall painting tips

Every year, especially with a festivity drawing near, we start thinking of sprucing up our homes be it through home décor or renovation. For me, it was moving into my new home the day before ushering in the new year.

With a fresh start also comes my first entry in this column. It’s the perfect timing as well because the knowledge I’ve gained renovating and moving thrice in two years has allowed me to detail my experiences here.

If you were thinking of an affordable and fuss-free way to brighten your home, the easiest would be to upgrade your walls using paint! This means different ways we can use colours to bring life back into an old house.

1. Pick your favourite colour

Using long lasting paint such as KCC AURORA Flagship Premium – AURORA Sheen, the colours will still retain its original hue for a long time.

When you think of painting your home, most people would immediately think of neutral colours such as white, or grey. Your walls are the perfect canvas to display your personality proudly with strong, diverse and vivid hues such as red, orange and yellow.

If you’re afraid of being too bold, paint just one room to get a hint of your personality in the house, or maybe just a wall in the room.

Ultimately, neutral colours can be used to complement your favourite colour and subtly enhance the look and feel you are trying to achieve.

Another reminder when selecting your favourite colour is that there are many shades in one colour, such as royal blue, sapphire, Turkish blue, Prussian blue and etc., which can be used in different areas of your home.

Once you’ve decided on a colour, use it as the common theme for your whole house and make sure to use long lasting paints so the colours will retain its new look for a long time.

2. Matching the right colours to the space

If brighter colours are preferred, choose paler hues from the colour spectrum.

Home is a place of refuge and protection. We need neutral colours to provide a sense of tranquillity and peace – e.g. grey, white, ivory, pale hues, or stronger yet calm hues like navy, dark grey or black. The colour spectrum you choose largely depends on whether you find peace and release in a large light space, or by retreating into a cave-like darkness.

The colour you choose for the space needs to match your personality as well. For example, if you have a vibrant personality and find neutral colours too monotonous for your bedroom, you may benefit more from softer pastel colours or pale hues as compared to stimulating colours such as bright red.

Neutral wall paint
Neutral tones in two different colours can accentuate your room. Concrete Grey 31102, Clean Seal 31103, Hunter Brown 31111

If you would like to pick two neutral tones, you can pair grey and white which are both calming and contrasting enough to make the grey walls pop.

3. Create feature walls

KCC Paint-Vivid-paint-colours
You can also create feature walls by incorporating a main statement colour. Crimson Red 35105, Powder Yellow 37110, Falling Comet 38101

Feature walls are a great way to add character to your home. Most people tend to make the mistake of mixing jarring colours together such as having both red and yellow in one space, which may not work too well as both colours are very bold. While others tend to choose safer colours to avoid making a mistake, and often ending up with a dull looking room.

Instead, have just one wall as the highlight of a certain room by painting it a main statement colour and leaving the rest of the walls in white or beige. Certain types of paints such as KCC AURORA Matt/AURORA Sheen has colours that are vibrant yet subtle, which are suitable as feature walls.

The contrasting look in my living room. KCC Paint’s AURORA Flagship Premium provides a smooth and elegant finish, with easy clean & anti-bacterial properties that guarantee long-lasting colours..

Alternatively, your feature wall can also consist of paints with various designs. For instance, if you are a person who likes stripes, you can use paint to create that design based on the layout of the space. Walls that are painted with designs have the ability to draw people as it stands out from the rest of the walls.

4. Bring in some green elements

Deep Jade 38115

In this era of technology and concrete jungle, it pays to create a place in your home to unplug such as a green area with plants, or just a space with a water feature to relax. In these spaces, you can introduce earthy tones like brown or green, which brings you closer to nature.

Most people worry that a green wall may stand out too much, but adding the right shade of green can promote calm, and simultaneously adds a fresh new vibe to your home. Done right, green walls can be paired with furnishing of subtle colours such as wooden, white or beige.

Ideally, you should pick a room with a large enough window or one with the best exposure to natural lighting to promote relaxation. Flooding a room with natural light is a great way to add zen to your home.

5. Use easy-clean and anti-bacterial paint to protect your home

The AURORA Series such as AURORA Matt and AURORA Sheen are formulated with anti-bacterial and easy-clean properties to protect you and your home.
© Gettyimages

Unlike exterior walls, the interior walls are not exposed to daily weathering. It does however, get its daily exposure to dust, dirt, and cobwebs which could shorten the life of your paint.

The best way to prevent this is to look for paint with easy-clean property that will help those pesky stains slide right off with just a sweep of cloth. With easy-clean properties, all you have to do is run a microfiber dust cloth or a damp cloth on a long-handled sweeper over your walls every couple of months to maintain the colour vibrancy.

Bonus tip: If you have children under the age of five at home, your walls may be exposing them to the risk of developing detrimental diseases from the exposure to infection causing bacteria such as E. coli and staphylococcus aureus. Coat your walls with anti-bacterial paint to minimise their exposure to these harmful germs and bacteria.


KCC Paint’s new flagship premium interior paint range, AURORA, features a vibrant palette of 180 colours and is now available in participating KCC Authorised Dealers nationwide.
For more information, visit


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