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Did you know there are 16 types of EPF withdrawals?


Contrary to popular belief, Employees Provident Fund (EPF) withdrawals aren’t only for when you retire. Here are 16 different EPF withdrawal options for various circumstances and a step by step guide to perform the withdrawals.

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This article is translated from Tahukah anda ada 16 jenis pengeluaran KWSP by Ridzwan A. Rahim.

1. At age 50

There are two types of withdrawals:

  1. Entire savings from Account 2
  2. Part of savings from Account 2

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9B (AHL)
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account.

2. At age 55

There are four types of withdrawals:

  1. Entire savings
  2. Part of savings (minimum amount of RM2,000 and every 30 days from date of last application of withdrawal)
  3. Monthly payment (minimum withdrawal amount of RM3,000 i.e., RM250 a month for at least 12 months)
  4. A combination of partial and monthly withdrawal

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9B (AHL)
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above.

3. At age 60

There are four types of withdrawals:

  1. Entire savings
  2. Part of savings (minimum amount of RM2,000.00 and every 30 days from date of last application of withdrawal)
  3. Monthly payment (minimum withdrawal amount of RM3,000.00 i.e., RM250.00 a month for at least 12 months)
  4. A combination of partial and monthly withdrawal

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9B (AHL)
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above.

4. Reducing or redeeming a housing loan

©Andriy Popov/ 123RF

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9C (AHL)
  • Home loan balance statement as per EPF format or balance statement from the Public Sector Home Financing Board (LPPSA) (date of issuance of statement must not exceed 3 months from date of application)
  • For applications to assist your spouse, you will need your marriage certificate or children’s birth certificate
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above

5. Incapacitation

© Andrea De Martin / 123rf

This enables you to withdraw your entire EPF savings in the event you become physically or mentally disabled, depriving you of your ability to work or you experience permanent loss of functional ability that affects your employability.

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9L (AHL)
  • Original medical report from a specialist or non-specialist medical institution (government hospital / clinic or private hospital / clinic)
  • Letter of resignation by employer (if any) for members who resign within a year from date of application
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above

READ: What happens to your property if you pass away without writing a will?

6. Leaving the country

This application can be made by:

  • Malaysian citizens who have given up their citizenship in order to migrate to another country, or
  • Non-Malaysian citizens who have resigned from work and will be leaving Malaysia

How to apply:

  • Bring your passport, work permit, proof of termination of employment
  • Fill up Form KWSP 9K (AHL)
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above. Take note that you will need a Malaysian bank account to perform the withdrawal

7. Education

©Drazen_ / Gettyimages

This enables you to withdraw your savings from Account 2 to pay for your study fees or that of your children (including step children and adopted children) at institutions of higher learning in Malaysia and overseas.

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9H (AHL)
  • Original medical report from a specialist or non-specialist medical institution (government hospital/clinic or private hospital/clinic)
  • The student’s study offer letter
  • The student’s original letter of confirmation of student registration
  • Study programme’s letter of accreditation.
  • Copy of the student’s latest exam results (students of public higher education institutions are exempted)
  • The student’s interview form
  • Proof of eligibility for programme
  • To make withdrawals to finance your children’s education, bring your children’s identification and proof of relation
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above.

8. Pensionable employees and optional retirement

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad can fill up Form KWSP 9N (AHL)
  • Apendix A – Notice of Declaration of the Government Contributions
  • Proof of retiree status
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above.

9. Members Investment Scheme (MIS)

This scheme allows you to transfer part of the funds in your Account 1 for investment in order to bolster your retirement savings. The investment amount must not exceed 30% of the amount in excess of the Basic Savings in Account 1. Investment can be made via Fund Management Institutions (FMIs) appointed by the EPF. A calculator can be found here.

A full list of funds for each FMI can be found here.

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9N (AHL)

10. Building or buying a house

This enables you to withdraw funds from your Account 2 to finance the purchase of a house so that you may have a roof over your head after you retire.

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9C (AHL)
  • Sales & purchase agreement (date of agreement not more than three years from date of application)
  • Home loan approval letter (if loan has been approved less than a year)
  • Construction agreement (dated less than three years from date of application)
  • Land title bearing the name of the seller or land owner
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above.

Withdrawal for building a house

Requirements: Construction of residential home or kampung home by you as the EPF member on own land or spouse’s land; or construction of residential home or kampung home by your spouse on your land; or construction of long house by you (for Sabah & Sarawak); or construction of residential home by you on a land owned by FELDA or another government agency with confirmation by said agency regarding status of land ownership.

11. More than RM1 million in savings

If you have more than RM1.05 million in savings, the EPF provides you with the flexibility to withdraw the excess savings and manage it on your own.

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9B (AHL)
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above.

12. Housing loan monthly instalment withdrawal

Withdrawal of funds from Account 2 to finance your housing loan instalment for the purchase or construction of a house.

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9P (AHL)
  • Home loan balance statement as per EPF format OR balance statement from the Public Sector Home Financing Board (LPPSA) (date of issuance of statement must not exceed three months from date of application)
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above.

At the moment, there is no option to withdraw your EPF money to finance a home renovation. If you want, you need to get creative. Select the housing loan monthly instalment withdrawal and save the money for renovation use.

13. Death

Full withdrawal of your funds by your nominee, executor (wasi), administrator or next-of-kin in the event of your death.

How to apply:

  • The deceased EPF member’s death certificate
  • Applicant’s identification. Fill up Form KWSP 9KM (AHL)
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above.

14. Flexible Housing Withdrawal

This is a process that sets aside part of the savings in your Account 2 into a Flexible Housing Withdrawal account to help increase your eligibility limit for obtaining a loan to buy or build a house.

Under this scheme, your monthly EPF contribution is considered as income. This helps you secure a housing loan with a higher margin because credit assessment on your net income also takes into account EPF contributions from employee and employer.

  • More information on this type of withdrawal can be found here.

15. Healthcare

This enables you to withdraw funds from Account 2 to help cover medical expenses for critical illnesses and / or purchase healthcare equipment approved by the EPF board for illnesses that afflict yourself or your family members.

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9D (AHL)
  • Original copy of medical report from a medical institution
  • Confirmation letter by employer regarding coverage of medical expenses
  • Patient’s identification
  • Proof of relation between applicant and patient (if the applicant is not the patient)
  • Outpatient treatment bill or final bill and original payment receipt from medical institution (if payment has already been made)
  • Payment will be directly credited to your bank account. A list of panel banks can be found above.

16. Hajj

Under Budget 2013 on 28 September 2012, the government introduced Hajj withdrawal for EPF contributors. Muslim members can withdraw funds from EPF to supplement your savings at Lembaga Tabung Haji (LTH) for Hajj expenses. You can withdraw the difference in total cost for your Hajj pilgrimage with your LTH savings account, to a maximum of RM3,000 or from your Account 2 balance, whichever is lower.

However, the withdrawal must be returned to the EPF in the event that the applicant has cancelled or postponed his / her Hajj.

How to apply:

  • For Malaysian citizens, bring your MyKad. Those without MyKad will need to fill up Form KWSP 9D (AHL)
  • A “Selected” status offer letter from LTH
  • LTH account statement (latest)

*Beginning 1 April 2016, PTPTN borrowers can apply to make withdrawals online via e-Pengeluaran to to repay their PTPTN loans.

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