Hi this is Felix and nice to meet you!!! I'm already involve in the real estate business for past 3 years and experienced in dealing with the properties sales and rent business. I'm a friendly and services oriented person and these are my most 'powerful weapon' when dealing with my clients and i doubt that you will like me to help you, your family or your friends, to let, to sell, or to purchase the valuable properties. ————————————————————————————————————————— 你好,我是Felix Wong,也可称呼我为黄先生。很高兴认识你! 自我介绍:在过去3年里,我都在做着与地产有关的生意,除了买卖产业,我和我的团队同时也协助各产业的主人租凭有地房屋、公寓、办公室等等。 个人特长:友善的性格和服务客人的态度,是我建立优良口碑的法宝。希望被您向中,以让我和我的团队为您介绍绝佳的产业来投资、为您介绍买家、替您管理旗下产业和为您介绍优良的租凭客户等等