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Phase Two of National Recovery Plan (PPN): Things you can and cannot do in a strata property


As we slowly transition into Phase Two of the National Recovery Plan (PPN), let’s take a look at the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and things that you can and cannot do in a strata property. 

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Read the BM version here. 

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced that Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya will transition to Phase Two of the National Recovery Plan (PPN) effective Friday (Sept 10). According to him, the relaxation was the same as that for states that had transitioned to Phase Two previously, including cross-district travels for fully vaccinated individuals.

Ismail Sabri said that dine-in at eateries for fully vaccinated customers was also allowed, while tourism activities were only allowed in the same state involving hotel and homestay accommodation for individuals who have completed both doses of the vaccine jab.

As for strata properties, the government has also come up with SOPs and protocols to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re living in strata units, take a look at some of the do’s and don’ts.

COVID-19 Preventive Measures

  • Prior to entering any strata scheme, be sure to screen your body temperature at the entrance (body temperature above 37.5◦C and above and/or indicating COVID-19 symptoms such as sore throat, cough, flu or shortness of breath are not allowed to enter).
  • Ensure that everyone registers by scanning the MySejahtera QR code or writing down their name, phone number, date, and time of arrival at the premises for contact tracing purposes.
  • Wearing a mask and maintaining physical distancing of 1 metre from the next person.
  • Washing one’s hands with soap and water or alternatively, disinfecting one’s hands with a hand sanitiser.
  • Ensuring that all surfaces that can be contaminated are disinfected.

? Here are the SOPs for all residents living in a strata building in Phase One of PPN.
(UPDATED) Phase One of National Recovery Plan (PPN) SOPs: What is allowed and not allowed?

Activities that are allowed during Phase Two of the National Recovery Plan (PPN)

1. Postal services/courier/delivery services

  • Deliveries of items to specific addresses are subject to the approval of the Joint Management Body, Management Corporation or Property Manager.
  • Only contactless delivery is allowed.
  • Must adhere to Visitor Management procedures.

2. Repair and maintenance works

  • All repair and maintenance work on common property is allowed.
  • Maintenance or repair of critical damages involving essential services in units is allowed, subject to management approval.
  • All maintenance work is subject to the SOP set by the Ministry of Works (KKR).

3. Renovation works

  • Renovation is allowed.
  • Maintenance work is subject to the latest SOP set by the Ministry of Works (KKR).

4. Moving house

  • House relocation is allowed.
  • Those who want to relocate must obtain permission from PDRM. They must also obtain permission for the moving company and their employees.
  • Must inform the management about the date and time of the relocation, as well as any relevant information of the relocation.

5. Management office operation

  • Management Office operated by the property manager in carrying out important matters (essential services) are to be kept to a minimum (online transaction is encouraged). Management Office is open to the public.
  • The number of staff in the management office is to be limited to 80% capacity or three personnel depending on the ability to maintain physical distancing.
  • Essential services like security and cleaning services are allowed to operate, subject to the Sektor Industri Kawalan Keselamatan Swasta SOP issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) or the terms of the contract that has been signed.

Read more: SOPs for fully vaccinated in Malaysia

6. Service providers

  • Service provides are allowed to enter the strata building.
  • Property viewing and maintenance of equipment such as aircond, filters water and broadcasting devices are permitted, subject to strict COVID-19 Preventive Measures and visitor management procedures.
  • All service providers are required to comply with the COVID-19 Precautionary Measures at the security checkpoints or any other designated spot. They must also provide information to the management for contract tracing purposes.
  • The owner or service provider must obtain written permission from the management of the service provided involves the use of the common property. 
  • All movements of service providers are limited to the unit or area in question and are subject to management approval.

7. Contractors

  • Movements of contractors, vendors or workers into a strata scheme to carry out maintenance and repair works of essential services are subject to management approval. All movements of contractors, vendors or workers are limited to the unit or area in question.
  • Contractors, vendors or workers are required to provide their details to the management for contact tracing purposes prior to entering a strata scheme. Contractors / vendors / employees who are Malaysian citizens must submit identification information, while contractors / vendors / employees who are not citizens must submit a copy of a valid passport and work permit as well as the latest telephone number. Contractors / vendors / employees must comply with the Sektor Pembinaan SOP issued by the KKR.
  • All contractors, vendors or workers must comply with all stipulated COVID-19 Preventive Measure protocols at security posts and elsewhere within the strata scheme.
  • All contractors, vendors or workers are only allowed to work during the hours set by the management.

8. Residents 

  • Residents can move around the strata building as long as they’re 1 metre apart from one another.
  • All religious, sports and recreational activities and other activities are subject to the General SOP issued by MKN or KKM.
  • Social events are prohibited.
  • Seminars / workshops / conferences / exhibitions are not allowed.

9. Common property

  • Operations of all sports and recreational facilities are subject to those activities permitted by the general SOP for Sports and Recreation Sector under the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Ministry of Health.
  • Operation of Common Property apart from sports and recreational facilities are allowed subject to the general SOP issued by MKN or Ministry of Health.

    Prohibited activities during Phase One of National Recovery Plan (PPN)

    10. Visitors

    • No visitors are allowed into a strata scheme unless they’re permitted to enter by the management.
    • Visitors who have obtained permission to enter a strata scheme are required to comply with COVID-19 Preventive Measures at the guardhouse and everywhere else within the strata scheme, and to provide their details to the management for contact tracing purposes if required.
    • All movements of visitors who have been permitted by management to enter a strata scheme are limited to the unit or area in question based on the original purpose of their visits.

    We hope this information helps you to understand and comply with all SOP and protocols at strata schemes in accordance with what has been announced by the government. Let us comply with these procedures and work together to eradicate the COVID-19 pandemic.

    National Recovery Plan (Pelan Pemulihan Negara): Phase 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4 SOPs
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    Disclaimer: The information is provided for general information only. Malaysia Sdn Bhd makes no representations or warranties in relation to the information, including but not limited to any representation or warranty as to the fitness for any particular purpose of the information to the fullest extent permitted by law. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided in this article is accurate, reliable, and complete as of the time of writing, the information provided in this article should not be relied upon to make any financial, investment, real estate or legal decisions. Additionally, the information should not substitute advice from a trained professional who can take into account your personal facts and circumstances, and we accept no liability if you use the information to form decisions.

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