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Latest MCO 3.0 SOP: Activities that are allowed and not allowed


Find out the latest MCO 3.0 SOP regarding activities that are allowed and not allowed, which will be in effect on 25th May 2021.

© Abdul Razak Latif | 123rf

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This article is translated from SOP PKP 3.0 terkini: Aktiviti yang dibenarkan dan aktiviti yang tidak dibenarkan by Dayana Sobri. 

UPDATE: Check out the latest SOPs issued by the government on Full Movement Control Order (FMCO) that’s starting on the 1st of June till the 14th of June 2021. 

On 22nd May 2021, the government had announced the latest SOP which will be in effect starting 25th May 2021 until 7th June 2021. This decision was made in order to control the increasing contagiousness of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.

“Register yourself for a Covid-19 vaccination today at The Special Committee for Ensuring Access to COVID-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV)’s official website!”

In general, the following is a list of activities that are allowed and not allowed during the validity of this SOP:

Activities that are allowed

  • Permitted economic sectors
  • Going out to buy or get necessities
  • Going out for health and medical treatment
  • Carrying out official Government affairs and judicial duties

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The following are the details of the activities allowed for MCO this time:

1. Movement Control

State and district borders:

  • There is no crossing of state and district borders (based on the district borders set by the State Government).
  • PDRM is responsible for implementing control over local areas of infection with the assistance of ATM, APM & RELA. The entrance and exit of the MCO area will be closed and the entry point will be controlled by the PDRM.

Taxi and e-hailing services, and vehicles carrying goods:

  • The number of passengers in private vehicles, taxis, and e-hailing is limited to three (3) people, including the driver.
  • The number of people allowed in a vehicle carrying goods as well as a chain of economic or industrial activities depends on the vehicle registration license.


  • Any movement to obtain healthcare or medical services to the district closest to an individual’s home is allowed if such services are not available in his/her district.

Public transportation

  • Activities and services at all airports and ports are allowed to operate.
  • Sea and land public transport services such as stop buses, express buses, LRT, MRT, ERL, Monorail, ferries and other public transport are allowed to operate based on 50% vehicle capacity (operating hours and frequencies subject to the Ministry of Transport).


  • All Public and Private Institutions of Higher Learning (IPT), Skills Training Institutes, schools other than under the Ministry of Education (MOE), tahfiz centres and other educational institutions are closed from 12 May 2021 to 7 June 2021. IPTs under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) to be conducted online.
  • All schools under KPM, private educational institutions in the school and centre category such as tuition centres, language centres, skills centres, guidance centres and others registered under KPM are closed for a period of four (4) weeks beginning 12 May 2021 to 7 June 2021.
  • Only students of international and expatriate schools involved in international examinations are allowed to sit for the examination according to the examination schedule set by the international examination body.
  • IPT students who are in need are allowed to return to campus by obtaining a movement permission letter to cross the state or district from their respective IPT.
  • All face-to-face Teaching and Learning (T&L) activities are not allowed except for students in need until an exact date is announced by the Government.
  • International examinations and professional bodies, as well as research activities that require laboratory facilities at IPTs, are allowed according to the SOP of the IPT and the movement must be accompanied by confirmation from MOHE or the relevant IPT.
  • Students who are in boarding schools, universities or institutions are allowed to remain where they are and to continue learning in a hybrid manner.
  • Returning students who are in hostels or Educational Institutions will be done in stages according to the decision of the MOE, MOHE or IPT. Movement across districts and states for this purpose is allowed with a letter of permission from the MOE, MOHE or IPT.

Other movements that are allowed

  • Movement for cases of death, natural disasters and other emergencies are allowed after permission is obtained from PDRM.
  • Permission for the movement of disaster or humanitarian aid by NGOs must be obtained from the State Disaster Management Committee or District Disaster Management Committee in the area affected by the disaster with the aid channelled through the Disaster Operations Control Centre (PKOB) in the area.
  • Cross-state permits are allowed for long-distance married couples by obtaining PDRM permission.
  • Movement across districts and states for the purpose of COVID-19 vaccination at Vaccination Centers (PPVs) outside the district or state of residence is permitted by showing appointment details via the MySejahtera application, website or SMS.
  • Movement for Short Term Business Visitors under the approval of the One Stop Center Initiative (OSC) for official or business purposes is allowed after obtaining permission from PDRM.
© Abdul Razak Latif | 123rf

2. Business and services

Restaurants and eateries

  • For restaurants, eateries, food stalls, food trucks, roadside hawkers, street hawkers, food courts, hawker centres, roadside food stalls or kiosks are allowed to operate between 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.
  • Only takeaways, drive-throughs or deliveries are permitted from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.
  • Dine-ins and park & dine services are not allowed during the MCO period.
  • Picnicking activities are forbidden.

Grocery stores, convenience stores and daily necessities stores

  • All of these stores are allowed to operate between 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.

Medical services

  • Any medical services such as hospitals, clinics and medical laboratories can operate for up to 24 hours or according to an operating license.
  • Pharmacies are allowed to operate from 8.00 am to 10.00 pm.
  • Petrol stations are allowed to operate from 6.00 am to 8.00 pm; except highway petrol stations which are allowed to operate for up to 24 hours.
  • Vet clinics and pet food shops are allowed to operate from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.


  • Daily markets, farmers’ markets, public markets and weekly markets can operate from 6.00 am to 2.00 pm subject to the local authority (PBT) in compliance with SOP and under the supervision of RELA or PBT members.
  • Wholesale markets can operate from 12.01 am to 6.00 am and 11.00 am to 4.00 pm subject to the local authority (PBT) in compliance with SOP and under the supervision of RELA or PBT members.
  • Night markets can operate from 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm subject to the local authority (PBT) in compliance with SOP and under the supervision of RELA or PBT members.

Shopping centres

  • Shopping malls and supermarkets are allowed to operate and this involves premise outlets only from 8 00 am to 8 00 pm. Any opening of the exhibition booth in the foyer is not allowed.

Fisheries, Plantation, Agriculture and Livestock Sector

  • Fisheries, plantation, agriculture, livestock and all sectors related to the food chain are allowed to operate.
  • Fishing activities for subsistence purposes are allowed.

Other services

  • Self-service laundromats, eyewear stores, car wash centres, barbershops, and hair salons are only allowed to operate from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.
  • Self-service laundromats need to ensure that employees are on the premises in compliance with the SOP set in place.
  • Cybercafes and cyber centres are allowed to operate from 8 00 am to 8.00 pm.

* The State Government may take steps to tighten the SOP for the purpose of controlling the spread of COVID-19

3. Operation and Movement Permits for Public and Private Services

  • All economic and business sectors approved by the relevant Ministry or Agency can operate during the MCO period.
  • Any movement of employees is subject to the registration or operation approval letter, employee pass, or employer confirmation letter.
  • The movement of official Government affairs must be accompanied by an official Government letter document or employee pass.
  • Employee attendance capacity for the civil service is limited to 20 overall excluding frontline services, while the remaining 80% to work from home.
  • Employee attendance capacity for the private sector including operations and management is limited to 60% at any one time.


  • Internal face-to-face meetings of Government and private agencies WITHOUT INVOLVING EXTERNAL AGENCY REPRESENTATIVES are permitted.
  • Members of the meeting should only be from the same office premises or building and do not involve cross-district or state members.
  • Meetings are encouraged to be conducted remotely via video conference.

4. Religious activities

Islamic religious activities

  • Congregational prayers and Friday prayers in mosques and suraus are allowed with the presence of the congregation in accordance with the ruling of the State Religious Authority.
  • Islamic marriage ceremonies in the Religious Department and mosques are allowed in the presence of the State Religious Authority.
  • Islamic funeral management is allowed in accordance with the ruling of the State Religious Authority.

Non-Muslim religious activities

  • Non-Muslim activities in the Place of Worship are allowed according to the ruling of the Ministry of National Unity.
  • For non-Muslim marriage registrations at the National Registration Department (NRD), Places of Worship and Religious Associations are allowed according to the decision of the NRD.
  • The management of non-Muslim funerals is allowed in accordance with the ruling of the Ministry of National Unity.
© Shao-Chun Wang | 123rf

5. Kindergartens, Nurseries, and Daycare Centres

  • Nurseries are allowed to operate according to the SOP set in place.
  • Kindergartens, private kindergartens, kindergartens in private international and expatriate schools as well as mind development centres for children aged 4 to 6 years are allowed to operate in accordance with the SOP set by the relevant Ministry, Department or Agency.
  • Daycare centres or rehabilitation centres for children, the Disabled (OKU), the elderly, women and various care centres are allowed to operate in accordance with the SOP set under the relevant Ministry, Department or Agency.
  • Parents or guardians who send their children to childcare centres are allowed to drive with the number of child passengers based on the capacity of the vehicle.

6. Sports and Leisure

  • Sports and recreational activities performed individually in open areas without physical contact are limited to jogging, cycling and exercise; and only by adhering to the physical distance of at least 1.5 metres and is performed in a neighbourhood or any area within the same district, subject to the movement control instructions which is in effect.
  • The organisation of local and international tournaments, competitions or friendly matches according to the sports bubble model is limited to the organisation of the Malaysian Football League (MFL) with the special permission of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) without the presence of spectators.
  • Quarantine centralised training programmes implemented by the National Sports Council (NSC) and State Sports Councils (State NSC) using the Camp Based Training concept is allowed.
  • Quarantine-based training programmes for teams in the MFL using a sports bubble model (Camp Based Training) is allowed.
  • Participation of Malaysian players, participants, officials or technicians in tournaments, competitions or matches abroad is allowed with the support of KBS and the permission of the Malaysian Immigration Department (JIM).

7. The creative industry

  • Recording activities for music, concerts, filming, talks, live streaming, and the like are allowed in a studio with a small number of crew without spectators and in compliance with the Creative Industry SOP.
  • Creative content development activities including music production, animation, and filming of films, dramas, and documentaries made in the studio are permitted.
  • Drive-in cinemas are allowed.

8. Seminars, Workshops, Courses, Training, and Talks

  • Ongoing in-service training can be implemented in the training area through the Camp Based Training method.
  • Seminars, workshops, courses, training, and talks conducted online are allowed.
  • Seminars, workshops, training courses, conferences, exhibition talks and activities related to Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (face-to-face) are not permitted.

9. Other activities

  • Driving Institutes, Aviation Training Centres and Maritime Training Centres are allowed to operate based on the SOP provided by the Ministry of Transport.
  • Other matters shall be decided by the Government from time to time.

Activities that are NOT allowed

© Abdul Razak Latif | 123rf
  • Cross-district movement in MCO areas and across other states without PDRM permission is forbidden.
  • Movements in and out of the MCO area without PDRM permission are forbidden.

The following are the details related to unauthorised activities:

1. Economic activities

  • Spas, reflexology centres, massage centres, wellness centres, and pedicure and manicure services are not allowed to operate.
  • Outdoor photography activities are forbidden.

2. Entertainment activities

  • Activities in nightclubs or pubs.
  • Activities at the cinema.

3. Social activities

  • Government and private sectors’ Formal or Informal functions are not permitted.
  • Social events such as feasts, Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations, engagements, wedding ceremonies, wedding receptions, aqiqah ceremonies, prayers, tahlil, birthday celebrations, reunions, retreats and other social events are not allowed.

4. Travel and cultural activities

Previously, cross-state activities were allowed for tourism. This time, however, such activities are not allowed. They include the following:

  • Visits to tourist attractions such as zoos, farms, aquariums, edutainment centres, extreme parks, adventure parks, nature parks and others are not permitted.
  • Visits to art, culture and heritage premises such as museums, libraries, art galleries, cultural heritage art centres or villages, cultural performance stages and others are not allowed.
  • Visits to theme parks, family entertainment Centres, indoor playgrounds and karaoke booths including family karaoke sessions are not allowed.
  • Any tourism activities outside the district and state are not allowed.
  • Overseas tourism activities by citizens and domestic tourism activities involving foreign tourists entering Malaysia are forbidden.

5. Sports and Recreational activities

Although there are activities allowed for sports and recreation, the Government still imposes restrictions on the following activities:

  • All sports and recreational activities other than those listed.
  • The operation of all sports and recreational facilities or premises except for public parks, subject to the Local Authority (PBT).
  • Sports and recreational activities carried out in groups or involving close physical contact.
  • Organising tournaments, competitions or friendly matches without the special permission of KBS.
  • The presence of spectators or supporters at the stadium or sports and recreation venues. 
  • Sports and recreational activities carried out outside or across the area of movement order that is in force unless authorised by PDRM.
  • Mass activities that make physical distancing impossible, such as fun run, fun rides, marathons, triathlons and so on.
  • Participation of Malaysian players, participants, officials or technicians to tournaments, and match competitions abroad without the support of KBS and the permission of the Malaysian Immigration Department.

6. The creative Industry

Although there are activities allowed within the creative industry, the Government still imposes restrictions on the following activities:

  • Live performances in hotel lounges.
  • Indoor or outdoor busking activities. 

7. Other activities that are not allowed

  • Any activity with too many people where physical distancing effort and compliance towards the guidance set by the Director General of Health is impossible.
  • Other matters decided by the Government from time to time.

We hope the information given regarding the latest SOP can help you and the country curb the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. May we succeed in fighting the pandemic this time around! Malaysia Boleh!

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