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EIS PERKESO: How to claim job loss benefits and 4 other SOCSO claims you need to know about


*This article was updated on 2 October 2021.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit Malaysia, many people have been asking how to make claims from the Social Security Organisation (SOCSO). In this article, we list all of SOCSO’s schemes including the Employment Insurance System (EIS), how to go about making these claims and the SOCSO forms required.


This article was translated from Bantuan EIS PERKESO selepas hilang pekerjaan & 4 tuntutan lain untuk pencarum by Khairul Khalid. 

Accidents and injuries may occur anytime. We can only prepare ourselves for any possibilities, including death. It is important to ensure that you are financially protected in the event of an accident. One way is to ensure that your employer makes monthly contributions to SOCSO.

What is SOCSO?

SOCSO or as it is commonly known as PERKESO in Malay was established to provide medical and financial assistance to employees in the event of accidents or illness, especially if their ability to work is affected. SOCSO also provides assistance to employees’ dependants through pension if death occurs. There are three major SOCSO schemes – Employment Injury Scheme, Invalidity Scheme and Employment Injury Schemes for Foreign Workers.

According to the Employees’ Social Security Act 1969, all private companies must register their employees with SOCSO within the employees’ first 30 working days. If your employer fails to register the company/employee with SOCSO and make monthly contributions, it is violating the law and the company can be brought to courts of law.

Both employers and employees are responsible for SOCSO contributions. Employees earning a salary of less than RM3,000 monthly must contribute an estimated 0.5% to 3% of their total salary. For example, if your salary is RM2,500 monthly and the monthly contribution is 0.5%, you will contribute RM12.50 monthly or RM150 annually to SOCSO.

If your salary exceeds RM3,000 monthly, you are not obliged to make SOCSO contributions.

Who is ineligible for SOCSO contributions and claims?

Unfortunately, not all Malaysian employees are eligible for SOCSO contributions and claims. Among those ineligible are:

  • Government employees (civil servants)
  • Maids
  • Business owners/partners
  • Spouses of business owners/partners

What is an EIS claim and how can it help if you lose your job?

In 2018, SOCSO introduced EIS or the Employment Insurance Systemto assist workers in the private sector who have lost their jobs. Financial assistance is given to EIS contributors for 6 months after losing their jobs, also known as Job Search Allowance (JSA).

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While looking for a new job, you are eligible for JSA for a period of 3 to 6 months. If you get a new job during that period, you are eligible for SOCSO’s Early Re-Employment Allowance (ERA) which allows you to claim 25% of your unpaid JSA balance. If you have many jobs and lose one or more jobs, you can apply for the Reduced Income Allowance (RIA).

JSA under EIS PERKESO PRIHATIN extended to 2021

Undoubtedly, many people lost jobs in 2020 due to the pandemic. In the recent Budget 2021, the government allocated RM150 million to SOCSO to help workers via EIS, especially those who have been laid off due to COVID-19. In addition, the JSA was extended for 3 months in 2021 under the PRIHATIN economic relief package.

In 2021, the JSA allowance rate was 80% in the first month, 50% from the second month up to the sixth month and 30% for the last three months. The calculation for SOCSO’s EIS PRIHATIN is only for those who lose their jobs between 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2021. Benefits are calculated based on your previous assumed salary and your Contributions Qualifying Conditions (CQC) i.e. the number of monthly contributions you have paid before.

You can use the EIS Prihatin benefits calculator to get an estimate of your entitled benefits.

Conditions for EIS PRIHATIN

1. Apply within 60 days after Loss of Employment (LOE). The definition of LOE includes:

  • Normal retrenchment and redundancy
  • VSS/MSS (Voluntary/Mutual Separation Scheme)
  • Closure of the company due to natural disasters
  • Bankruptcy or closure of the company
  • Constructive dismissal
  • Resignation due to sexual harassment or threats made in the workplace
  • Resignation after being ordered to perform dangerous duties that are not within the job scope

2. You have to meet SOCSO’s Contributions Qualifying Conditions (CQC) (i.e. must have paid contributions to SOCSO EIS for a minimum number of months within a specified period).

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How to make claims under EIS PRIHATIN  

STEP 1: Submit the application within 60 days of LOE. Any delays in submitting the application may result in processing problems for your EIS claims. You can either apply for EIS PERKESO online at or manually at the nearest PERKESO office.

STEP 2: Fill in the application form and attach the relevant documents.

STEP 3: Bring all original documents when meeting PERKESO officers.

STEP 4: After submitting the application, check and save the application slip for future reference.

STEP 5: Only completed applications will be processed and reviewed according to general qualification requirements and CQC to verify LOE.

STEP 6: Once your application is approved, payment will be made to your account.

STEP 7: You will also need to participate in the Re-Employment Placement Programme within 7 days of receiving notification from SOCSO.

STEP 8: You must report on your job status to SOCSO monthly. If you have any questions or problems, call SOCSO’s customer service at 1300-22-8000 or visit the nearest PERKESO office.

Documents to be attached with EIS application

  • Copy of identity card (NRIC)
  • Proof of LOE (including VSS, MSS and others)
  • Copy of bank account
  • Copy of 6-month salary slip before LOE

Read the full FAQ EIS/SIP PRIHATIN guide to find out more about the application process and the benefits you are entitled to.

SOCSO can also provide training to help you get new jobs. However, you are ineligible for EIS under the following conditions:

  • Dismissal due to misconduct by the employee
  • Voluntary resignation
  • Retirement
  • The expiry of a fixed-term contract (includes unconditional termination of a contract based on an employer-employee agreement or the completion of the project stated in the contract)

UPDATE: Did you know that Malaysian employees who are severely affected by the FMCO and recently announced EMCO can look forward to some financial aid from SOCSO? Find out how you can claim RM600 from SOCSO under the PSU4.0 scheme

SOCSO’s other existing schemes

Initially, SOCSO offered two schemes for registered members, namely the Employment Injury Scheme and the Invalidity Scheme. In 2017 and 2019, SOCSO introduced the Self-Employed Social Security Scheme and the Employment Injury Scheme for Foreign Workers.

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Employment Injury Scheme

This scheme provides protection to workers in the event of accidents or illnesses arising from work, including accidents that occur while they commute to work.

Invalidity Scheme

This scheme provides 24-hour coverage to employees in the event of permanent invalidity, for example from severe illnesses such as cancer or stroke.

Self-Employed Social Security Scheme

This scheme offers protection for the self-employed in the event of work-related accidents, including illnesses or accidents occurring during work.

Employment Injury Scheme for Foreign Workers

This scheme is specifically for foreign workers with a total SOCSO contribution of 1.25% of their monthly salary. This allows foreign workers to enjoy some benefits of working in our country.

Making a SOCSO claim: Step-by-step

You can make a SOCSO claim within 12 months of the latest date on your medical certificate (MC). It is best to make your claims as soon as possible.

STEP 1: Check to see whether your name and identification card is in the SOCSO system.

STEP 2: Get the SOCSO claims form (Borang 34 PERKESO)

STEP 3: Make sure that you have a doctor’s medical report from the hospital.

STEP 4: Submit the relevant forms and documents to SOCSO. SOCSO will give you a letter and date for you to visit its panel of doctors (in special cases, SOCSO will make the visit).

STEP 5: SOCSO will respond within 2-3 weeks, regardless of whether your claim is approved or not.

STEP 6: If your claim is approved, bring a copy of your bank statement to SOCSO to be verified for claims. On the other hand, if your claim is not approved, you may submit an appeal to SOCSO.

You may also contact your company’s human resources department (HR) to find out more about the SOCSO claims process from A to Z.

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How to make claims under SOCSO’s protection schemes

You are an employee in the private sector and are making claims for the first time

After your claim is approved, medical treatment for accidents/illnesses is free if you go to SOCSO’s panel of clinics or government hospitals/clinics. Most importantly, you need to submit these documents:


If you have received treatment from a clinic that is not under the SOCSO panel, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Expenses claims (travel) – SME Form 24
  • Report of compensation claims (general) – SME Form (P) 26
  • Original receipt of treatment
  • Copy of appointment card
  • Copy of medical report (if any)

If you are unable to work for 4 days, you are eligible for a temporary disability benefit – you will get paid during that period!

You work in the private sector but have been permanently disabled

In this situation, you can claim permanent disability benefits, regardless of whether the disability affects your ability to work or not. All you need to do is submit a written application to SOCSO together with a doctor’s reference.

Do not forget to attach these documents too:

  • Medical reports from hospitals/clinics
  • Application form
  • Copy of identity card
  • Claim form – Form 10
  • PKS (F) 1 Form with SOCSO contribution information and salary slip
  • Employee’s bank account details
  • You may claim up to 90% of your monthly salary (minimum RM10 to RM88.50 per day). If you disagree with SOCSO’s decision, you may submit an appeal to the panel of doctors within 90 days.

If you lose 100% of your working capability, you are eligible for a permanent allowance, with verification from the panel of doctors. Upon approval, you will receive an allowance of 40% of your salary – at a maximum of RM500.

You are self-employed and want to make a SOCSO claim

For the Self-Employed Scheme, there is only 1 form to be filled i.e. Benefit Claim Form – PS 2. Also, attach a copy of your IC and bank statement. If you earn a salary, refer to #1 and #2.

Situations may vary depending on the reasons for the claims – accidents, illnesses or death, as listed below:

1. Accident claims

  • Leave certificate/MC (accident claims)
  • Original police report (if any)

2. Illness claims

  • Medical report

3. Death claims

  • Death certificate (death claim)
  • Receipt of expenses for the deceased
  • Supporting documents of relationship with the deceased

Form for accident/illness/death claims

Foreign workers who want to make SOCSO claims  

Foreign workers have to submit different documents:

1. Accident and illness claims

  • Form for accident notice and occupational illness of foreign worker
  • Copy of passport (front page)
  • Copy of work permit
  • Medical certificate
  • Original/copy of police report (certified by police)
  • Medical report
  • Copy of death certificate (if any)
  • Receipt of expenses for the deceased (if any)
  • Supporting documents on relationship with the deceased (if any)
  • Copy of bank statement

2. Claim by dependants of foreign workers and management of deceased

  • Form for claims by dependants of foreign workers & management of deceased
  • Copy of passport (front page)
  • Certified copy of death certificate (if any)
  • Supporting documents on relationship with the deceased (if any)
  • Copy of bank statement
  • Receipt of expenses for the deceased (if any)

3. Claims for the cost of repatriating the deceased body

  • Form for claims on cost of repatriating the deceased body to the country of origin (PPJ)
  • Certified copy of death certificate (if any)
  • Identity card of claimant/company registration (needs confirmation)
  • Original receipt of repatriation cost
  • Copy of bank statement
  • Confirmation of repatriation of the deceased body from the government

For your information, there is currently no time limit to claims for SOCSO benefits as long as you fulfil all the requirements. Good luck with your claims! Also, check out what are the requirements to withdraw RM5,000 from your EPF Account under i-Citra.


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This article was originally published as Your complete guide to everything SOCSO and 5 Things You Should Know About SOCSO by

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