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14 auspicious feng shui indoor plants


Want to invite more positive energy to your home? Keep these lucky indoor Feng Shui plants to boost the positive chi in your home.


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Indoor plants are a great and inexpensive way to add colour and life into your home. According to Feng Shui principles, keeping indoor plants are both nourishing and healing for all occupants. Not to mention, they also boost positive energy flow as it is a natural way to clean the air of allergens, like a natural air purifier!

Key things to remember when choosing feng shui plants?

In general, plants boost the wood element energy in Feng Shui. The wood element provides vital energy of growth and action for the home. In addition, the wood element inspires kindness, compassion, and flexibility — the colour green is also associated with healing.

Keep in mind not to go overboard with keeping Feng Shui indoor plants. You don’t want your home to be overrun with plants like a forest as this would mean an overflow of wood elements. This could affect your thinking processes. Everyone needs a balance of all elements in life to think and feel clearly.

Another tip when choosing the right Feng Shui indoor plants: avoid cacti – the spikes are reminiscent of negative energy called “sha qi” or sharp energy. You also need to take note of any dying plants, which could also cultivate draining energy. Make sure to never neglect your indoor plants, know your limit and tend to only what you can.

You could keep fake indoor plants as well, but these need to be as realistic to the actual thing as possible.

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What is the best placement of plants for good feng shui?

To understand the relationship between indoor plants and good Feng Shui, first you need to be aware of your house bagua map. Depending on what areas where the feng shui plants are placed in, it will increase the positive energy of a certain aspect in the home.

In feng shui, the house can be divided into nine areas:

  1. Family and Community (Zhen)
  2. Wealth and Prosperity (Xun)
  3. Health (Tai Qi)
  4. Helpful People and Travel (Qian)
  5. Children and Creativity (Dui)
  6. Knowledge and Wisdom (Gen)
  7. Fame and Reputation (Li)
  8. Career (Kan)
  9. Relationships and Partnerships (Kun).

Where should feng shui plants be placed indoors?

©Peter Hermes Furian |123rf

There are two ways to determine the bagua direction. The traditional method requires you to use a compass to determine the direction. Another way is to align the bottom of the bagua map with the front door of your house.

Centre – Health and Ancestors (Tai Qi):

  • The health bagua is at the centre of your home, placing your indoor plants here will help improve the health of all home occupants.

North – Fame and Reputation (Li):

  • As suggested in the name, place your indoor plants in the Fame and Reputation area if you are looking to improve your popularity.
  • Place the feng shui plants in blue, black, white, grey, gold, or silver metal pots.

Northeast – Relationships and Partnerships (Kun):

  • Keeping indoor plants here in the northeast area of your home will cultivate kindness and flexibility in relationships, especially in the home.
  • Keep your plants in earthenware pots that are yellow, beige sandy, red, orange, purple, magenta in colour.

East – Children and Creativity (Dui):

  • Indoor plants in this area aren’t just for kids. Instead, it helps to encourage growth for any projects you’re undertaking, as well as inspire creativity. Plants here also help you to focus on hard-to-finish tasks.
  • Use earthenware pots in yellow, beige sandy, blue, or black.

Southeast – Helpful People and Travel (Qian):

  • Placing plants here is best when you find it difficult to seek help from others.
  • Use earthenware pots in yellow, beige sandy, blue, or black.

South – Career and Life Path (Kan):

  • If you’re looking to boost your career aspirations, growth, and expansion, this is where you should place your indoor plants.
  • Try to use wooden pots in red, orange, purple, magenta, green, or brown.

Southwest – Knowledge and Wisdom (Gen):

  • This area supports educational growth, including for when you want to improve your self-knowledge and develop self-cultivation.
  • Choose earthenware pots which are red, orange, purple, yellow, or magenta.

West – Family and Community (Zhen):

  • Promotes growth and support in your family life, as well as provide the positive energy and motivation to keep things moving — especially when you’re feeling lost or stuck.
  • The best materials for pots here are earthenware or metal, in white, grey, gold, silver, yellow, or beige.

Northwest – Wealth and Prosperity (Xun):

  • Place your indoor plants in this area of your home if you’re looking to grow in abundance and attract prosperity.
  • Similar to west, pick earthenware or metal pots in white, grey, gold, silver, yellow, or beige.

That being said, the best areas to place additional indoor plants would be at the East, Southeast and South areas of the house. For the remaining six areas, it is best not to overrun the spaces with big plants or a large grouping of plants because it may disrupt the energy.

What indoor plants are good for feng shui?

It’s not enough to only place your plants as defined by the bagua map, as you also need to take into consideration that certain indoor feng shui plants are better at improving the energy at home. If you’re on the lookout for good feng shui plants, then take a look at some of the most recommended species for your home.

1. Citrus Tree (Citrus limon for lemon; citrus sinensis for orange)

© saphira  |123rf
  • Direct bright light
  • Lightweight well-draining potting mix
  • Optimum soil pH of 5.5 – 6.5

Citrus trees are believed to be very lucky. Positioning your citrus tree at your indoor patio or balcony will bring abundance into your home. Otherwise, the best place to tend to your citrus plants would be at the Wealth or Health bagua.

2. Peony (Paeonia lactiflora)

© varts | 123rf
  • Direct sunlight but can grow under partial shade in fertile
  • Well-drained soil
  • Optimum soil pH of 6.5 – 7

When you’re looking for that special someone in your life, then the Peony is the feng shui plant you will need to keep. This plant could outlive you – it is possible for a Peony to live for 100 years when well taken care off; but it needs at least three to four years for the flowers fully bloom. The Peony comes in different shades of pinks and reds. You’d want to tend to your Peony in the Relationships and Partnerships bagua.

3. Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)

© Lothe Verstraete | 123rf
  • Requires indirect bright sunlight
  • Free-draining potting mix
  • Optimum soil pH of 6.0 – 7.5

The Chinese Money Plant gets its name from its round leaves that symbolise coins. The Chinese Money Plant promotes wealth, good fortune, and prosperity for all occupants of the home. It’s very easy to care for as it doesn’t require much sunlight and isn’t too picky about its soil. The adult plant is also able to grow offshoots that you can pass to friends and family. The Chinese Money plant is best positioned in the Wealth or Relationships and Partnerships bagua.

4. Money Tree (Pachira aquatica)

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  • Indirect bright sunlight
  • Well-draining, peat-based potting mix
  • Optimum soil pH of 6 – 7.5

The “regular” Money Tree has also been kept for generations for good luck, especially for those who are starting a new business or looking to expand their current business further. No prizes for guessing correctly – the perfect spot for the Money Tree is the Wealth and Prosperity bagua.

5. Jade plant (Crassula ovata)

©goldminer | 123rf
  • Partial share
  • Well-draining potting mix
  • Optimum soil pH of 6.1 – 6.5

Jade plants are a type of indoor plant that you can never have too many around the house. As with the money plant, Jade plants are especially prosperous because the rounded leaves that resemble coins. Where else would be best to position your Jade plants than the Wealth and Prosperity bagua of your home?

6. Boston Fern (Polypodiopsida)

©Tatyana Abramovich | 123rf
  • Bright, indirect sunlight
  • Rich, well-draining potting mix
  • Optimum soil pH of 4 – 7

The Boston Fern is the ideal feng shui plant for small homes like apartments. It’s best used to “hide corners” — keeping angular corners out of sight. In Feng Shui, leaving angular corners exposed are like “poison arrows”, which could make occupants in the home feel unease. Boston Ferns really uplifts the décor and requires minimum maintenance. Best positioned in all corners of the home inside hanging planters to boost that area’s bagua.

7. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

©Olga Yastremska | 123rf
  • Bright, indirect sunlight
  • Well-draining potting mix, kept the soil moist
  • Optimum soil pH of 6 – 6.5

You’ll normally see the Lucky Bamboo mostly during Chinese New Year. The number of bamboo shoot stalks you have arranged in the vase actually have meaning. Two stalks affect your love live if you place it in the Relationships and Partnerships bagua. Five stalks are great for educational achievement and inspiring creativity, so that is best positioned in the Children bagua. Seven stalks are for the Health or Family and Community bagua. Eight stalks go to the Wealth bagua, and nine stalks are for overall luck, which can be positioned anywhere in the home but best at the centre. Remember to change the water of the Lucky Bamboo often!

8. Orchid (Orchidaceae)

©jazzanna | 123rf
  • Bright, indirect sunlight,
  • Best grown between materials that promote draining and aeration such as loosely packed bark, stones, or tree ferns
  • Optimum soil pH of 5.5 – 6.5

The orchid has been known as a symbol of fertility and creativity. Different coloured orchids have different meanings when it comes to being a feng shui plant. White orchids are best positioned at the Children bagua. Pink orchids with two stems would best be tended to at the Partnerships bagua. Yellow orchids are placed in the Health bagua at the centre of the home. Purple orchids should be displayed in the Wealth bagua.

9. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

  • Bright, indirect sunlight
  • Well-draining potting mix
  • Optimum soil pH of 5.5 – 7.5

The large rounded leaves of the Rubber Plant help to promotes positive energy flow in the home. As it is quite a large plant, make sure it has enough room to grow. Unfortunately, it’s quite fussy and needs plenty of bright sunlight, watering, and fertilising. The Rubber Plant’s best position is the Wealth bagua to enhance prosperity.

10. Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

©Olga Yastremska | 123rf
  • Bright, indirect sunlight but best exposed to direct sun daily
  • Well-draining soil
  • Optimum soil pH of 7.0-8.5

The aloe vera is such a versatile plant, and keeping one in your home adds positive and protective energy. It’s also one of the best air purifying plants to have. The aloe vera is low maintenance and easy to take care of. Grow it at any bagua you wish to enhance.

11. Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata)

©sonjachnyj | 123rf
  • Indirect bright sunlight
  • Sandy, well-draining potting mix
  • Optimum soil pH of 4.5 – 8.5

Those at home who suffer from allergies often should try growing a Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue. Not only is it a great air purifying plant, it’s also great for beginners as it is easy to care for. While it looks like it has sharp edges like a “sha qi”, the Snake Plant actually has a quality of protective energy. Position this popular feng shui plant at any bagua you desire

12. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

©Olga Yastremska | 123rf
  • Medium, indirect sunlight
  • Well-draining, loose potting mix
  • Optimum soil pH of 5.8 – 6.5

The Peace Lily is another plant in this list that can help to purify the air of allergens. You won’t need much to keep a Peace Lily thriving. Position this plant at any bagua.

13. Devil’s Ivy or Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

©feelart | 123rf
  • Moderate indoor light
  • Well-drained potting mix
  • Optimum soil pH of 6.1-6.5

The Devil’s Ivy, also known as the Golden Pothos, is a great plant for beginners as it’s extremely low maintenance and grow easily into trailing vines. It is a great air purifying plant for the home, and is best hung around dark corners of a room to liven up the space. For bagua positioning, it can be placed where you require it the most.

14. Calathea (Calathea makoyana)

©kirarinxxx | 123rf
  • Low to medium sunlight exposure
  • Moist but well-drained soil
  • Optimum soil pH of 6.5

Last but not least is the Calathea, another great natural air purifying plant to keep indoors. While the Calathea looks really beautiful, it’s an extremely high maintenance plant that needs plenty of care, so it’s not recommended for newbies. As with the other air-purifying plants, the Calathea can be positioned anywhere in the home.

Not only does growing and tending to indoor plants boost the positive chi flowing at home and clear the air of any allergens, just the action of caring for living things keeps us grounded. As mentioned earlier, plants are associated with the wood element, which is the perfect counterbalance to the water, earth, fire, and predominant metal elements in our 21st century home. Surround yourself and your loved ones with nature by creating your very own indoor sanctuary.


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