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10 hacks to keep plastic tupperware clean


We’re lifting the lid on a topic that’ll get your heart racing. Well, maybe not – but here’s how to keep Tupperware clean and odour free.

It’s that time of year when warm, hearty meals become a daily affair – and if you’re lucky to have leftovers, you’ll want to be consuming those yummy meals in odour-free Tupperware containers come the next day.

Reusable plastic Tupperware containers are a godsend for many reasons, and then they’re absolute pains in so many other ways. If you’ve spent time scrubbing off those ruthless spaghetti Bolognese stains, you’ll know what we mean.

Ruthless food stains are a nightmare for cleaning Tupperware, but these hacks might just save you. Picture: Getty

Never fear, we’re here to share some lifesaving hacks that will help you keep your sanity when it comes time to clean those plastic Tupperware containers.

1. Hand wash with dishwashing liquid and water

You’d be surprised at how clean you can get your Tupperware with hot water and dishwashing liquid. Hand washing will help eliminate food smells, too.

2. Wash Tupperware ASAP

Can’t be bothered to wash your Tupperware immediately post-lunch at the office? We’ve all been there. But rather than waiting ’til you get home when the stains have fermented into the plastic, wash the culprit ASAP.

3. Avoid washing in the dishwasher

Hand washing your Tupperware might be painful, but it’ll save you time in the long-run when you come to remove your containers from the dishwasher and discover they’re still laden with stains.

If you’re not sold on this idea, then place your Tupperware containers on the top rack of the dishwasher to avoid them coming into contact with the super-hot areas, causing them to melt and warp.

4. Scrub with a toothbrush

For nasty stains that show no signs of dissipating, grab an old toothbrush, some baking soda and invest some time in a little elbow grease and get scrubbing.

Toothbrush? Tick. Baking soda? Tick. Elbow grease? You’re away. Picture: Getty

5. Apply baking soda

For tough stains – and smells! – caused from the likes of pumpkin soup, Thai red curry or spaghetti Bol, apply a little baking soda into an empty container and let sit overnight.

The next morning, rinse thoroughly with warm water and dishwashing liquid and wipe down.

Read more: How to get your house squeaky clean in one hour

6. Store with a pinch of salt

Add a large pinch of salt to your freshly washed Tupperware containers when you store them away. This will help rid the containers of food smells, so the next time you use them they won’t taste like the aforementioned curry.

Just be sure to remove the salt before using again!

7. Make a baking soda paste

Stains not budging? Make a strong paste using baking soda and water and scrub ’til your heart’s content.

Rinse your Tupperware with vinegar to help keep them clean and odour free. Picture: Getty

8. Rinse with vinegar

After hand washing, fill your Tupperware with white vinegar and let sit for three to five minutes (longer if necessary) to remove any unpleasant food odours.

Remove vinegar and wash again with soap and water.

9. Spray a little cooking oil

Apply a light spray of olive oil cooking spray into your Tupperware container before adding your food so the container doesn’t absorb the smell.

10. Let them bask in the sun

No, Tupperware doesn’t enjoy the same feel-good endorphins from vitamin D that we do, but they sure do enjoy the cleansing powers of a little sunshine.

Simply place your containers outside on your balcony or in unobstructed sunshine for a day or so. In the absence of baking soda – and for a more natural approach – it can help deodorise the containers leaving them odour-free.

So there you have it – helpful hacks to help you keep your Tupperware stain-free and stinky-free!

And if all else fails, just remember everything has its day – so perhaps if those stained Tupperware containers just won’t clean up, then consider investing in glass containers instead. They’re far easier to clean, don’t absorb stains or smells and can be reused over and over again.

This article was originally published as 10 hacks to keep plastic tupperware clean by and is written by Kristy Barratt.

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