Jalilmas, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur

    Jalilmas is a Leasehold Condominium located in Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. This is a Residential Strata property. There are 40 listings for rent in Jalilmas.

    Nearby transportation: Muhibbah (LRT), Awan Besar (LRT), Alam Sutera (LRT), Sri Petaling (LRT), Kinrara Bk5 (LRT)

    Nearby medical: Klinik Kesihatan Petaling Bahagia , Taman Desa Medical Centre, Assunta Hospital, Beacon International Specialist Centre Sdn. Bhd.

      Price overview of Jalilmas

      • Price range for sale
        RM -
        RM - /sq. ft.
      • Price range for rent
        RM 1,197 - RM 1,800
        RM 1.44 - RM 2.25 /sq. ft.
        40 For Rent
      *90% of the properties listed are between this price range
    Property type
    Land title
    Property title type
    Built-up size
    No. of floors
    Total units
    Year built

    Property market insight for Jalilmas

    Median transacted price

    Lower: -Upper: -

    Median transacted price per sq.ft. (psf)

    Lower: -Upper: -
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