Bangunan Khas, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

    Bangunan Khas is a Leasehold Flat located in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. This is a Residential Strata property.

    The median transacted price is RM 270 per sq. ft. Bangunan Khas has a capital growth of 10.18%.

    Nearby transportation: Asia Jaya (LRT), Taman Jaya (LRT), Taman Paramount (LRT), Kampung Dato Harun (KTM), Jalan Templer (KTM)

    Nearby medical: Hospital Mata Nasional Tun Hussien Onn (The Tun Hussien Onn National Eye Hospital), Assunta Hospital, Beacon International Specialist Centre Sdn. Bhd., Columbia Hospital, Petaling Jaya, Klinik Desa Damansara

    Property type
    Land title
    Property title type
    Built-up size
    No. of floors
    Total units
    Year built

    Property market insight for Bangunan Khas

    All data based on max of 12 months only – Sep 2016 to Aug 2017

    Median transacted price

    RM 200,000
    17.65% YoY
    Lower: RM 165,000Upper: RM 235,000

    Median transacted price per sq.ft. (psf)

    RM 270/sq. ft.
    10.18% YoY
    Lower: RM 238Upper: RM 302
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