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Make informed decisions with recent past 12-month subsale property transaction data and search for a similar property of your choice.
- Property price by area.
- Price per sq.ft. Transactions provides official subsale property transaction data in Malaysia. An official transaction data is when there is a record of a sale of a subsale property and corresponding transfer of ownership and title and payment of stamp duty to LHDN.
The data on Transactions provides users access to our market research data for subsale property transactions. The data may help them to make better decisions before buying or selling a property.
Only official subsale property transactions, with recorded payments of stamp duty, will be available on Transactions.
Here could be the possible reasons;
Here could be the possible reasons;
It is important to note that the recording of property transactions is a complex process and it will take an estimated 1-month to 12-month for a transaction to be reflected on (and thereafter on Transactions). In some extraordinary cases, it may take a longer timeframe.
The reason for this is because the Sale and Purchase process of a property goes through a variety of processes and the time needed for the completion of property purchase after the signing of the SPA depends on the complexity of the property purchased and transacted.
To improve the reliability of the data presented to you, our pattern recognition system automatically remove the following; does not edit critical information such as the property’s address, unit price, lot size, and transaction date. only edit non-critical and general fields such as the town, land use and building type to ensure the information is consistent and is familiar to users.
Here are the reasons why you are seeing only the latest 10 transactions in the recent 12-month;
Make informed decisions with recent past 12-month subsale property transaction data and search for a similar property of your choice.
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