Debak land transaction prices


Debak is a city in the state of Sarawak. The median transacted price for Debak is RM 65,000 with a median transacted price of RM 32 per sq. ft.

Debak property transactions snapshot

All data shown is based on a maximum of 12-month – From Dis 2017 to Nov 2018

Median price
RM 65,000
0% YoY

Lower: RM 65,000

Upper: RM 65,000

Median price per sq.ft. (psf)
RM 32/sq. ft.
0% YoY

Lower: RM 32

Upper: RM 32

Debak median price psf

Monthly median price psf
Highest median price psf

Project/Township/Building from Dis 2017 to Nov 2018

1 Results (1 transactions)





Detached Plot

Median price:

RM 65,000

Median PSF:

RM 32



Viewing 1-1 of 1 results


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