About Kelumpuk Cemperling, Setiawangsa

    Kelumpuk Cemperling is a/an Flat located at Setiawangsa.

    Nearby schools:

    Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Keramat Wangsa (Secondary), Sekolah Kebangsaan Au Keramat (Primary), Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Setiawangsa (Secondary), Sekolah Stella Maris - Ampang (Primary), Geomatika College International (Tertiary)

    Nearby public transportation:

    Setiawangsa (LRT), Sri Rampai (LRT), Jelatek (LRT), Dato' Keramat (LRT), Wangsa Maju (LRT)

    Nearby medical/hospital/clinics:

    Klinik Desa Hulu Kelang, Pusat Perubatan Naluri Sdn. Bhd., Hospital Pakar Ampang Puteri (Puteri Specialist Hospital Sdn. Bhd.), Klinik Kesihatan Dato Keramat , Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur

    The median transacted price of Kelumpuk Cemperling is RM303.6 per sq. ft. over the last one year. This represents a year-on-year price decrease of 20%.