About Mon Bisca, Permas Jaya

    Mon Bisca is a/an Apartment located at Permas Jaya. Mon Bisca consists of 5 floors.

    Nearby schools:

    Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Permas Jaya 3 (Primary), Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Permas Jaya (Secondary), Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) Permas Jaya (Primary), REAL International School - Johor (Primary Secondary), REAL Schools Johor (Primary Secondary Preschool)

    Nearby medical/hospital/clinics:

    Klinik Desa Permas Jaya, Klinik Desa Plentong, Klinik Desa Bakar Batu, Jb Specialist Hospital Sdn. Bhd.

    There are 8 listings for sale and 6 listings for rent in Mon Bisca. Our comprehensive listing details will help finding, buying, or renting your ideal property easier.

    The median transacted price of Mon Bisca is RM302.85 per sq. ft. over the last one year. This represents a year-on-year price increase of 8.5%.