Rimbun is a/an Condominium located at Ampang Hilir. Rimbun was built in 2014 consists of 17 floors and has a total of 52 units.
The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) (Early Years Elementary Middle High), Sekolah Kebangsaan (2) Kuala Ampang (Primary), The children's house - Ampang (Preschool), Sayfol International School Kuala Lumpur (Primary Secondary Kindergarten), Sekolah Kebangsaan Desa Pandan (Primary)
Jelatek (LRT), Dato' Keramat (LRT), Damai (LRT), Setiawangsa (LRT), Ampang Park (LRT)
Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur, Klinik Kesihatan Dato Keramat , Hospital Pakar Ampang Puteri (Puteri Specialist Hospital Sdn. Bhd.), Klinik Kesihatan Kampung Pandan, Pusat Perubatan Prince Court
There are 84 listings for sale and 62 listings for rent in Rimbun. Our comprehensive listing details will help finding, buying, or renting your ideal property easier.
The above information is sourced from external sources (Points of Interest data: Schooladvisor.my, Afterschool.my, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Medical from Ministry of Health Malaysia (‘Public schools’ & ‘Medical’ data & information subject to the Terms of Use of the Government's Open Government Data 1.0). The information constitutes “Third Party Content” for the purposes of our website Terms of Use. iProperty.com Malaysia Sdn Bhd does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information or accept any liability thereon. The information should not be regarded as advice and we recommend that you seek professional advice before making any property decisions.