November 13, Kuala Lumpur – On 18 April, city developer SkyWorld Development Group (SkyWorld) broke new grounds by announcing the commencement of SkyWorld Quality Centre, the first of its kind in Malaysia. The RM3.8 million centre was the epitome of SkyWorld’s Quality pledge to its purchasers and the public; offering not only QLASSIC / CONQUAS standard workmanship which are certified by the construction industry in Malaysia, but also serves as an educational centre for those who wants to learn the difference between the quality compliant standards and non-compliant standards.
The centre was completed in end-October 2017. Before SkyWorld opens its door to the public, the centre will serve as the quality training hub for its employees. SkyWorld believes its commitment to quality is not about doing it right just once, but about doing it right every single time hence every single SkyWorld employee and business partners (especially its contractors) will be educated on the industry-acknowledged quality standards that will be found in every SkyWorld home.
Mr Lee Chee Seng, Chief Operating Officer of SkyWorld shared, “At SkyWorld, we believe in building responsibly and delivering a quality Sky Living experience in a sustainable environment. More important, we believe that everyone can and should be able to afford a quality home. This is something that’s very close to our hearts, and it is for this reason that we’ve invested RM3.8 million into this 13,000 sq ft SkyWorld Quality Centre! In order to champion this quality pledge, we need to start internally. Of course, our project teams are already familiar with the quality compliant standards but we want all our employees to understand our quality commitments hence this is a good time to educate our people.”
Lee summed up, “In Malaysia, an average of 7,600 projects and developments are built every year and only 4.1% are certified by QLASSIC. We are part of the select few. So, when you consider a SkyWorld home, you can be sure of our quality commitment to you.”
To register your interest and be the first to visit SkyWorld Quality Centre on 18 January 2018, please send your contact details to [email protected]