17 January, JOHOR BAHRU – UMLand Seri Austin received the prestigious Blue Ribbon Award for the efforts to stamp out smoking in public places.
Malaysian Health Promotion Board (MySihat) once again recognized and gazetted Seri Austin’s Townpark as a smoke free park at the Blue Ribbon Campaign 2017 Appreciation and Recognition Night. The award was presented by Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam at Bora Ombak Marina, Putrajaya on 17 January 2018.
Earlier in 2014, MySihat has recognized and accredited two out of five townpark at Seri Austin as the First Smoke Free Townpark in Iskandar Malaysia.
Chief Executive Officer cum Acting Group Director of UMLand Townships, Wong Kuen Kong said as the first developer in the state to make such a move, a lot of effort and sacrifices were made to make it happen.
The Blue Ribbon Award is an international campaign introduced by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for the Western Pacific to recognise and acknowledge people and organisations working to implement and support the WHO Framework Convention provision on Article 8, protection from exposure of tobacco smoke.
The event saw about 220 premises and the media recognised by implemented smoke-free areas in their premises to support to state’s initiatives.