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Purchase of houses by foreigners from Jan-June just at 0.4 pct - Ministry


© | nekonoazarashi

17 October, KUALA LUMPUR – The number of houses bought by foreigners from January to June this year just stands at 398 units (0.4 per cent) as compared to 99,524 units (99.6 per cent) by Malaysians, according to the Housing and Local Government Ministry.

It said the data was from sale and purchase transactions issued by the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC).

“Overall, the data shows that the housing market for foreigners is under control,” the ministry said in a written reply that was posted on Parliament’s website today.

It was in reply to a question from Datuk Zakaria Mohd Edris (PH-Libaran) who wanted to know the ministry’s policies and measures to curb market speculation for hefty profits.

The ministry added that the states also had their own policies on housing ownership by foreigners to prevent developers building luxury homes to be sold to foreigners, also to curb market speculation and protect Malaysian buyers.

To a question from Datuk Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid (PH-Kapar) on affordable housing, the ministry stated that 39,864 units were completed from July 2018 till June 30 this year.


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