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MOF Survey: Malaysians want initiatives to lessen cost of living burden from Budget 2020


Budget 2020 will be tabled by Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng in Parliament at 4 pm, today. Stay tuned! We’ll be bringing you LIVE updates of budget 2020.


10 October, KUALA LUMPUR – An online survey conducted in conjunction with the Budget 2020 and involving more than 7,000 respondents from among Malaysians, revealed that they want initiatives to lessen the burden of their cost of living, more opportunities to enhance the quality of life and assistance when faced with tragedies.

The survey covered various backgrounds, ages and locations, as part of efforts by the Finance Ministry (MoF) to involve the public in obtaining feedback and input for the Budget 2020.

“As for the youth, the respondents urged the government to facilitate TVET job opportunities, provide incentives for trainees and apprentice to gain job experience, as well improve skills development programmes and human capital,” the ministry said a statement here today.

The MoF also undertook 12 focus consultation groups at various locations throughout the country with its minister Lim Guan Eng, who will table the Budget 2020 in Parliament tomorrow.

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It will be the second time that he is tabling the annual budget.

A majority of the respondents in the online survey also chose to urge the government to have more initiatives to support the less fortunate, ensure a balanced development for all states and provide equal opportunities for all and irrespective of race and religious beliefs to achieve the Shared Prosperity Vision (WKB) 2030.

“As such, the WKB must be aimed at economic growth, to generate prosperity that can be shared by all. The government has looked into and taken note of the feedback received via this survey and the engagement sessions undertaken for the Budget 2020.

The Budget 2019 needed RM259.8 billion for operational expenditure and RM54.7 billion as development expenditure. Budget 2020 is also the second budget for the Pakatan Harapan government.

The tabling of the budget will be broadcast ‘live’ via the mass media, social media channels and the MoF’s official Facebook and Twitter accounts.


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