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Industrialised Building System Must Have State Governments'' Support To Succeed: Zahid


Industrialised Building System Must Have State Governments'' Support To Succeed: Zahid

PUTRAJAYA, 12 July: The application of the proposed (IBS) as one of the methods to strengthen the nation’s construction industry depends on the co-operation of the state governments, said Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

He said the Cabinet had agreed to include the application of IBS as compulsory as part of the conditions when developers apply for Planning Permission, Development Order and Building Plan for private projects worth RM50 million and above on Sept 9, 2015.

“However the success of this mechanism is down to the state governments to accept these terms and ensure its implementation at the local government level,” he said in a statement after chairing the 71st National Council Meeting on Local Government at the Prime Minister’s Office, here, today.

The meeting which centres on Malaysia’s preparation to host the 9th World Urban Forum (WUF) between Feb 7 to 13, next year, discussed 13 issues related to the matter.

“The international conference is expected to gather 25,000 participants, locally as well as foreign including experts worldwide,” he said.

The meeting focused on the government’s efforts to enhance the services of local governments specifically on aspects such as cleanliness, safety, security, wellbeing and comfort as well as preserve and guarantee the state of the country’s natural environment.

Among the 13 issues discussed included public cleanliness and hygiene awareness, safest environment guidelines for kindergartens and the implementation of Rain Water Catchment and Usage system (SPAH) that can help reduce public water consumption among others.

Also present during the meeting were Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Tan Sri Noh Omar as well as ministry officials.


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