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Government aims to upgrade Streamyx services to Unifi by March - Eddin Syazlee

Source: Getty image

17 December, KUALA LUMPUR – The government is aiming to upgrade all Streamyx user services to Unifi through Telekom Malaysia (TM) by March next year, said Deputy Communications and Multimedia Minister Eddin Syazlee Shith.

He said the services were being upgraded in stages provided the users were in areas with access to Unifi.

If the users are out of range or have no Unifi access, then the alternative is that their Streamyx speed will be upgraded to 8 Mbps or (they) will receive 4G LTE access. All of these upgrades will be free of charge without any additional cost,” he said during Question Time in the Dewan Negara today.

He was responding to a question from Senator Ismail Ibrahim who wanted to know the measures taken by the government to tackle Streamyx disturbances and offset its high cost compared to the data subscription capacity for rural users.

Eddin Syazlee said these measures were part of the government efforts to offset the relatively high cost of Streamyx services at the moment while, at the same time, the higher capacity with Unifi was being offered at a lower cost.

To a supplementary question, he said the government had no plans as yet to come up with a lower Streamyx rate.


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