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157,000 commuters travel on MRT-SBK line daily

Source: 123rf

10 December, KUALA LUMPUR – From January to September 2018 an average of 157,000 commuters travel daily on the Mass Rapid Transit Sungai Buloh-Kajang (MRT-SBK) line, said Deputy Transport Minister Datuk Kamarudddin Jaafar.

He said this showed a 37 per cent increase over last year’s figure and indicated the people’s confidence in the efficiency of urban rail services.

“In line with the government’s objective to make public transport as the main mode of transportation for the people, various initiatives have been implemented to increase the number of MRT passengers,” he said in reply to Senator Ismail Yusop in the Dewan Negara today.

Kamaruddin said among the initiatives were the implementation of an integrated ticket system for rail and services to facilitate transfer of MRT passengers and increasing operation by scheduling trains every four minutes at peak hours.

“On Dec 1, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad also launched the My100 and My50 unlimited travel pass to help reduce the people’s burden, he said.


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