Taman Sin Chor Chit, Jelutong, Penang

    Taman Sin Chor Chit is a Freehold Flat located in Jelutong, Penang. This is a Residential Strata property.

    The median transacted price is RM 406 per sq. ft. Taman Sin Chor Chit has a capital growth of 5.16%.

    Nearby transportation: Sultan Abdul Halim Terminal (Butterworth) (Ferry), Raja Tun Uda Terminal (Georgetown) (Ferry)

    Nearby medical: Pure Lotus Hospice Of Compassion, Peace Medical Centre, Loh Guan Lye Specialists Centre, Optimax Eye Specialist Hospital (Penang), Carl Carrynton Medical Centre

    Property type
    Land title
    Property title type
    Built-up size
    No. of floors
    Total units
    Year built

    Property market insight for Taman Sin Chor Chit

    All data based on max of 12 months only – Apr 2020 to Mar 2021

    Median transacted price

    RM 275,000
    5.16% YoY
    Lower: RM 275,000Upper: RM 275,000

    Median transacted price per sq.ft. (psf)

    RM 406/sq. ft.
    5.16% YoY
    Lower: RM 406Upper: RM 406
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