Taman Bukit Rawang Jaya, Rawang, Selangor

    Taman Bukit Rawang Jaya is a Freehold Flat located in Rawang, Selangor. This is a Residential Strata property. There are 6 listings for sale and 6 listings for rent in Taman Bukit Rawang Jaya.

    The median transacted price is RM 100 per sq. ft. Taman Bukit Rawang Jaya has a capital growth of -7.69%.

    Nearby transportation: Rawang (KTM)

    Nearby medical: KPJ Rawang Specialist Hospital (Hospital Pakar KPJ Rawang), Klinik Desa Kampung Kenanga, Hospital Pakar Bersalin & Sakit Puan (Ganesan Medical Centre)

      Price overview of Taman Bukit Rawang Jaya

      • Price range for sale
        RM 61,239 - RM 127,500
        RM 80.87 - RM 212.50 /sq. ft.
        6 For Sale
      • Price range for rent
        RM 524 - RM 1,350
        RM 0.55 - RM 0.93 /sq. ft.
        6 For Rent
      *90% of the properties listed are between this price range
    Property type
    Land title
    Property title type
    Built-up size
    No. of floors
    Total units
    Year built

    Property market insight for Taman Bukit Rawang Jaya

    All data based on max of 12 months only – Jan 2023 to Dec 2023

    Median transacted price

    RM 60,000
    7.69% YoY
    Lower: RM 50,000Upper: RM 67,000

    Median transacted price per sq.ft. (psf)

    RM 100/sq. ft.
    7.69% YoY
    Lower: RM 83Upper: RM 111
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