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- Tentu Teguh Sdn. Bhd
Tentu Teguh Sdn. Bhd
20 Jalan Lembah 16, Bandar Seri Alam, 81750, Masai, Johor
Syarikat Induk: United Malayan Land Berhad
Mengenai Tentu Teguh Sdn. Bhd
UMLand is an established property developer in Malaysia. UMLand operates two development divisions, namely the Township and Niche Divisions and a construction and building materials division called UMLand Builders Sdn Bhd. The Group has over 1,800 acres of undeveloped land in both Township and Niche Divisions. UMLand is an established property developer in Malaysia. UMLand operates two development divisions, namely the Township and Niche Divisions and a construction and building materials division called UMLand Builders Sdn Bhd. The Group has over 1,800 acres of undeveloped land in both Township and Niche Divisions.
E-mel Tentu Teguh Sdn. Bhd
Tentu Teguh Sdn. Bhd